00:01.66 | mikebledsoe | Ah, it's been. Ah, it's been a week connected so took last week off and we're doing this a little late this week. So I'm sure we've got plenty of catching up to do. |
00:09.20 | Dr_ Placebo | It feels weird to not talk to you for this long it. It's a part of my way of life now I mean now the only constant in my life is the puppy schedule which I am now strictly adhering to. |
00:15.30 | mikebledsoe | It's it's strange. Yeah. |
00:28.90 | Dr_ Placebo | And. |
00:30.30 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, how's that ah I've heard I remember Tim Ferriss was writing about getting a dog and how that was created like a new level of discipline and grounding in his life. Are you experiencing something similar. |
00:36.28 | Dr_ Placebo | But. |
00:43.14 | Dr_ Placebo | Totally I was even talking to um, an inventor friend of mine at the gym the other day and we were. We're talking about history and fighter pilots and things like that and how a lot of them say that basic training was the worst thing ever. Ah, during it but the best thing ever Afterward long term and I could describe my my whole life as trying to free myself from any obligation and any schedule whatsoever and what's funny is that I. |
01:03.38 | mikebledsoe | Wow. |
01:19.83 | Dr_ Placebo | I did I was able to do that I basically freed myself of ah, any obligation. Ah, and you know that's when you can get real weird right? But it's ah. |
01:31.82 | mikebledsoe | Been there? Yeah, ah. |
01:35.80 | Dr_ Placebo | But with puppies if if you try to freewheel like that They'll just destroy your life I mean the life I had already is gone. No question. Whatever I was doing before.. It's like a distant memory.. It's so interesting How this has become an all. Consuming thing So fast. |
01:56.85 | mikebledsoe | All right I Want to see these puppies so you got to send me some I'll throw it up in the blog by the way. Um I I'm gonna start having these ah these are gonna be. We're gonna have full blog write ups for the show. |
02:02.50 | Dr_ Placebo | I. |
02:14.16 | mikebledsoe | Ah, they're gonna be posted I'll have a substack up soon that they're going to be going on and people will get emails with a summary and a little little email about the show whenever it pops out every Monday and then the blog will have a written summary. |
02:14.55 | Dr_ Placebo | Rad. |
02:29.61 | Dr_ Placebo | Wow, That's pretty exciting. |
02:31.32 | mikebledsoe | We should be able to just click to from the emails. So if yeah, if y'all were wondering you know when we were gonna turn pro. it's it's happening you know what's really interesting is I remember with barbell shrugged episode 42 was a pivotal show for us. We'd learned something on that show like and we were trying to improve the craft of podcasting and I remember it was episodes 42 through 45 was us going through this transformation and immediately people. Started messaging us saying I don't know what you guys did but whatever you're doing keep it up the show the show that you know is like episode 42 was the best episode 43 44 or 45 you're like oh this is just the new normal. And yeah, so we're on episode 43 of the Monday morning podcast and ah yeah I feel like we're hitting a ah stride with that as well. |
03:38.84 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah I like the vibe that we've cultivated here. It's really serious topics I mean arguably some of the most serious topics imaginable. It's like ah death and kinks. And entrepreneurship and relationships. But the we're pretty chill about it. It's like serious topics with a ah relaxed vibe. |
04:02.13 | mikebledsoe | Well I think a lot of people avoid these topics because they don't they whenever it was brought up in the past for them. They didn't have a level of levity that was part of the conversation if we can lighten it up a little bit makes it way easier to consume. So yeah I think. |
04:12.27 | Dr_ Placebo | 1 |
04:22.20 | mikebledsoe | Enough about enough about us just tooting our horns. Even though we have a lot of horns that too. Ah I think that? Ah yeah I want to fill you on what I did last week you know I got so I got stuck in maui for 2 days and hi now. |
04:31.39 | Dr_ Placebo | Lay it on me, you poor you poor dear. |
04:41.37 | mikebledsoe | I I remember I remember having it was kind of like the it's like the first time I was ever used by a woman for my body. You know I had this moment of like oh my god you just wanted me for my body I feel so dirty. And about 2 seconds later I was like oh my god she wanted me for my body I was like yes so maui similar similar situation I go oh oh bummer I'm missing my flight I'm like well I'm in Maui I'll go to the beach. |
05:16.66 | Dr_ Placebo | So you missed your flight on purpose. Ah. |
05:19.40 | mikebledsoe | No, no, absolutely not no I um I spent a week in molakai which is ah ah, an island with a population of 7000 people and 22000 axis year. So I was hunting out there which was just. The most fun I've ever had hunting it. It was so cool. Definitely going back fact I'll probably go back and I'll invite people to come with me as I so I typically do and yeah, you do. |
05:47.37 | Dr_ Placebo | So you can get a free ride I know you're game blood. So like he's like I love this thing gosh if I just invite like 10 of my friends I can do it for free and if I invite 20 then I have a new career. |
06:00.82 | mikebledsoe | Not not not only not only not only do I get to go for free I might get paid and even if I don't tax write offs baby like I'm going to be applying for my Ffl license like all my guns should be tax write offs. |
06:12.45 | Dr_ Placebo | Boom. |
06:20.35 | mikebledsoe | Organize a couple of hunts. It's a business to business. |
06:23.51 | Dr_ Placebo | And you know what? it's actually ah we're joking about but it's super authentic and that's one of the things I like about you is you? You are that firestarter you get excited about something and then you get other people excited about it I've seen it happen. Many times throughout the years that I've known you so it's. |
06:43.10 | mikebledsoe | Um, sometimes I regret it I'm like oh man I Really kind of screwed that person up but and you know who you are. You're listening out there. |
06:46.65 | Dr_ Placebo | Well. |
06:56.10 | mikebledsoe | Ah, ah. |
06:56.40 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, so so what do you use? Did you ah hunt them with a knife Ninja stars spear I would love to go spear hunting I feel like that would just be super gangster like a pointy stick. |
07:02.30 | mikebledsoe | You know, um, are you not not for deer but you can do that for hog I know there's a place in Arkansas basically where you can hunt hog with a spear and they use ah they use pit bulls they put like kevlar jackets on these pits and then basically you chase the hogs down the the dogs get a hold of it and while the dogs are holding it you you you stick the pig so that's. |
07:26.61 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, amazing. |
07:32.35 | Dr_ Placebo | That's ah, got to be a very visceral feeling if you'll excuse the pun. |
07:37.82 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, um, so that's a possibility. But yeah, what what we did was ah I was shooting a rifle. He's a rifle I have a I have ah a savage ah savage one Ten ultralight. |
07:43.53 | Dr_ Placebo | 22 I'm guessing |
07:53.87 | mikebledsoe | Ah shoots a six five creed more which is a much faster round than what most hunting rifles are firing like it's a newer round There's there's some others that are faster but this is one of those ah speed matters because the amount that that round will drop. Or how much it'll be impacted by wind actually gets reduced a bit so there's fewer adjustments that have to be made when you're shooting really far. But um, exactly exactly. |
08:21.93 | Dr_ Placebo | There's less time for it to fall along the same amount of distance if if it's going faster. It's like a laser pointer hardly falls at all. |
08:30.82 | mikebledsoe | ah hardly but ah yeah so we're out there hunting I got to got to kill early in the the week spent a lot of time just chilling. You know we were very living very primitive. Um I mean we weren't cooking over campfire. But we it was pretty close. You know a shitting outdoors sleeping on a one inch mat ah doors wide open but ah. |
08:54.77 | Dr_ Placebo | Well, it makes 2 of us shitting outdoors at a but mine was a plumbing emergency though. So me and the dogs were ah we were all using the yard. |
09:05.12 | mikebledsoe | Ah, ah I'm sure the neighbors love that the it's like whoa. What's that smell. |
09:12.83 | Dr_ Placebo | That's the least of their worries with what I do in my backyard. |
09:18.24 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, so I I finished the hunt have a great time. Got to connect with some guys. Um Ben Greenfield was on the hunt with me in fact, him and his 2 boys and yeah, just a beautiful time and yeah I go to you know I leave. |
09:26.93 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah. |
09:35.60 | mikebledsoe | Molokai that island I hop on maui to to get on my plane to come home and the flight gets canceled so I find a hotel and then I go back to the airport the next morning and I get on the plane and then they cancel that flight or they delay that flight an hour and they. Delay that flight by an hour about 5 times so I'm just yeah I'm just hanging out the airport you know twiddling my thumbs and ah, finally like they're like oh we'll put you on a flight for tonight. |
09:55.21 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh. |
10:09.23 | mikebledsoe | So come back in 5 hours I'm like all right I went back to the beach and while I'm at the beach I check my phone and they're like oh your flight for tonight got delayed till tomorrow morning. So I I went from like booking a flight where I was gonna catch a red eye on this nice first class. |
10:19.90 | Dr_ Placebo | Wow man. |
10:28.28 | mikebledsoe | Seat and I was going to be able to sleep on the way home and I was gonna be home in like 12 hours to it being like a 24 hour you know added an extra stop in there just to get me home and basically showed up home two days late. Ah my fiance was not happy about that. |
10:39.59 | Dr_ Placebo | Oof. |
10:46.79 | mikebledsoe | And then ah yeah, just just now recovering so basically lost the night of sleep. You know. |
10:55.48 | Dr_ Placebo | Sweet. So did you bring back? some meat did you? ah you you brought your own rifle with you. So I'm guessing you checked that and that was no big deal ah is really interesting. |
11:05.45 | mikebledsoe | No big deal. Dude after after fly I've never flown with a gun before but after going through the process I realized you could pretty much ship any gun anywhere you want inside the us like they don't They're not really paying that much attention to it honestly. So. |
11:21.14 | Dr_ Placebo | I Think it has to do with the volume right? I mean there's just so many packages going every which way but that's got to be an odd feeling because you I'm sure you walk into the airport with a rifle right? like. |
11:28.79 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
11:36.11 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah I walk in I check in and then I go I got to go up to like the special baggage place and I go I've got ah I've got ah a gun in here and like oh okay, well here's a special form you know which is basically almost nothing sign it. |
11:39.40 | Dr_ Placebo | That's funny. Yeah, yeah. |
11:51.79 | mikebledsoe | Walk it over to a special Tsa section. They take it and then I see it when I land and you know when I landed they didn't even um, ah one of the trips that didn't look get my Id when I picked up my rifle I'm like so anyone could have just walked up and grabbed this. It's like there's a very interesting. Thing going on here. |
12:11.40 | Dr_ Placebo | I'm so you know I don't know how much that happens but I I only check a bag under duress like I don't check bags when I fly the bag stays with me because I see that I see the carousel with all the bags everywhere. |
12:20.25 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I try to do that. |
12:28.36 | Dr_ Placebo | And I'm like how do people not just pick up bags all the time like if I was ah a crooked thief. That's the only place I would go I would just go to Airports grab a random bag off the carousel slap ah a funny ah extra tag onto it. So It looks like it's immediately mine keep like a little pink scarf up my sleeve throw throw the pink scarf on the bag people would never think that's that there'd be oh that guy has the same bag as me, but with a pink scarf on it and you see these bags just making laps around there. You're like how. How did they not get stolen all the time. |
13:06.64 | mikebledsoe | Well with with my my flight being delayed like it was I Ah, my bags arrived a whole day before me. So I'm like all right I got a rifle that's arriving at airport a whole day before me. Hopefully it's there when I get there and it was It was fun. |
13:11.78 | Dr_ Placebo | This is something. |
13:19.44 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, hopefully no one picks it up. |
13:23.91 | mikebledsoe | But um, yeah, the meat's being shipped to me they I almost I had to fly in with a cooler because the island is too primitive to carry enough coolers. You're not going to go into like the local hardware store and grab there's 8 of us hunting 8 coolers. It's not going to happen. So um, ah. |
13:38.17 | Dr_ Placebo | Right. |
13:42.20 | mikebledsoe | I Opted to instead of carrying it back which I could have I just said hey ship it I'll pay for it and thank God I did because that meat would have not done well over two days of just being in a cooler. Um, but on the spot we did eat Raw heart So we made like a heart seviche so it technically wasn't a heart raw because it was. |
13:43.36 | Dr_ Placebo | Meaning. |
13:52.10 | Dr_ Placebo | If. |
14:01.28 | Dr_ Placebo | Acid cooked. |
14:02.50 | mikebledsoe | Had some ah yeah, acid cooked a bit but had some raw liver. We killed that week and ah I got to drink amniotic fluid. So one of the deer had been pregnant and we were able to get the amniotic sack. |
14:21.46 | mikebledsoe | Puncture a hole in it fill a cup I drink that I tell you what the rest of my day I was I was on point hump and yeah, just running around hump and deer. Ah yeah, it was interesting I mean basically like drinking stem cells. |
14:28.75 | Dr_ Placebo | Humping deer. |
14:33.70 | Dr_ Placebo | Just as I let you're sprouting hooves. Maybe you'll get antlers wouldn't that be a trip I'm not going to read too much into why? That's the case but that's a cool. |
14:40.90 | mikebledsoe | Oh I think I think Ashley would be ended at the antlers. Yeah. |
14:52.80 | Dr_ Placebo | Cool thing I bet we can already do that I bet we already have the possibility to do weird shit like that like they grew a human ear on a mouse like twenty fucking years ago so I would not be surprised if they could grow you a set of antlers if you really wanted to. |
14:54.10 | mikebledsoe | Ah, so yeah, that was the. |
15:11.59 | Dr_ Placebo | Personally I'm waiting for the ah Elephant Trunk ah surgery where I can get an elephant trunk like maybe in the middle of the chest or something how useful would that be super sensitive I could drink out of it hold. |
15:22.34 | mikebledsoe | Extremely You just pick off or just shit up I've always wanted an action arm. Yeah. |
15:31.90 | Dr_ Placebo | Hold liquids I can sniff with it I mean so crazy strong Never go to the gym again I just have this like absolute unit of a tentacle. |
15:44.27 | mikebledsoe | What we want to talk about today. What do we? What do we want to dig into. |
15:51.83 | Dr_ Placebo | I mean hunting is a cool thing. Um, gosh I mean with the dogs ah speaking of hunting right? like there are hunting buddies. You were even saying before how they. Throw the kevlar on the dogs for hog hunting which is pretty wild. Um man I I have an appointment with a dog trainer I think next week or something like that and I thought I was doing really badly. As ah as a dog owner I thought I was so behind thought I was just a total disaster apparently I'm like way ahead of the curve talking to this lady though but having 2 dogs that are siblings. Brother sister is way tougher because. |
16:25.34 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
16:42.99 | Dr_ Placebo | When you're trying to train them up. They're just you know, biting each other so you get 1 to listen to you and the other one just tackles the one who's listening so it's kind of a funny experience but I could do a whole show on the puppy lessons I've learned so far I started a puppy journal. |
16:50.90 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
17:02.92 | Dr_ Placebo | And I also realized that you know dogs don't have a prefrontal cortex but they're basically like people and I think we give ourselves way too much credit for. |
17:12.32 | mikebledsoe | Um, yeah, um. |
17:20.73 | Dr_ Placebo | Like how clever we could be versus what creatures of ah routine and reward. We really are so you know me I like to ah synthesize things into a little ah easy to remember stuff. So. |
17:27.99 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
17:39.98 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, demonstration is greater than explanation is a good one that applies to both dogs and people and that's also the um, the heart of the the type of teaching I like to do it's like teaching without attachment. To the result of the student because it's a very heavy burden to I used to feel super obligated um to all my customers, especially all my subscribers because the reality is they absolutely um, like made my life I mean the amount of people who bought books and bought videos. |
18:18.90 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, super enriching both ways. So I felt this obligation like I gotta get them to do this thing. You know so I would explain the ever lovingving shit out of it instead of just being the example and doing the demonstration. It's the same with dogs course dogs don't speak English So An explanation is even more stupid but for a human I think um, same kind of idea is way better to set the example than to than to preach. Ah my opinion of course. |
18:51.19 | mikebledsoe | Yeah man Ah, just finished a book last week or so wanting is the name of the book and basically just talks about how we model you know by? everyone's just modeling someone else. The desires are modeled. You don't know. |
19:05.69 | Dr_ Placebo | That help. |
19:09.20 | mikebledsoe | You walk into a bar. You're not you don't want to have a drink but you walk in your friends got a Moscow Mule you're like ah man I need and know I wanted to have one of those but now I do I think that people really can resonate with that that you know there's like I'll have a i. I was at a restaurant a couple weeks ago and for a friend dinner. Everyone ordered drinks I wasn't going to order a drink now I've got a scotch in my hand so you know there's ah no man I can't be the weirdo. Yeah. |
19:38.60 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, baby, you don't want to get kicked out of the tribe dude pour me a drink too. That's that's the that's the toughest 1 right is to be exiled out of the group um in a lot of cultures that was. Way worse than death I mean it meant death but a slow suffering dishonorable death. You know your family. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's it's it's it's it's a public shaming that leads to a slow death versus. |
19:58.35 | mikebledsoe | Well, you got like death and shame stack together like the you didn't die for a good reason. He he died because you meant you're an asshole. |
20:14.80 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, like a tribal respect and a quick death which you know one's way better. |
20:17.97 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, not in battle. Um, yeah, say you you want to without your puppy Journal I also have my journal from the hunt. So I think we just go through our lessons. |
20:27.18 | Dr_ Placebo | You know if you give me a yeah Pauseit or you can ah keep everyone entertained and I'll go grab that. |
20:34.52 | mikebledsoe | I'll pause it real quick. Go get it so you want to go first. You want me to go first. We got we got puppies and hunting journals. |
20:44.19 | Dr_ Placebo | Puppies and hunting Journals I Love it. Let's ah, let's start with hunting. |
20:50.53 | mikebledsoe | Right? We'll go with hunting right? So um, we actually did a bit of like that the hunting trips I do with Manzel is is. Is a little different than most people first I'm not going to read it. It's very personal. maybe maybe I'll get the balls to ah, go out. Yeah well I I wrote ah I wrote a letter to the deer I was hunting. |
21:14.62 | Dr_ Placebo | Personal like sexual what kind of hunting were you doing out there. |
21:23.54 | Dr_ Placebo | Cool. |
21:26.55 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, wrote a letter a love letter to the deer I was hunting. Um, um I had I had an insight over the week that I asked myself. |
21:29.69 | Dr_ Placebo | What else. |
21:46.80 | mikebledsoe | Where am I because everything slowed down I turned my phone off completely off grid and noticed I asked myself where am I seeking stimulation over solitude and you know really noticed around. 2 3 days in how I was really was it. It took me 2 3 days to for the mind to slow down and be on island time because we're hanging out with some people who are from molochi so these are these are like they're not from the city these are. |
22:16.71 | Dr_ Placebo | M. |
22:23.35 | mikebledsoe | These are Hawaiians that are like true true Hawaiian like they haven't been you know, westernized as much and I mean they have but like you know they they hold that Island time thing. Everything's super chill slow motion. Um, and you know for. |
22:25.12 | Dr_ Placebo | They're hunters. |
22:36.52 | Dr_ Placebo | Moon. |
22:42.77 | mikebledsoe | Ah, guy like myself who's going high speed a lot That's just a. It's a bit jarring but I I really started asking myself. You know where am I where am I yeah seeking stimulation. Yeah, ah yeah, so ah. |
22:52.75 | Dr_ Placebo | It's like pulling the e break pulling the emergency break at a hundred. |
23:02.38 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I really reflected on that and then I I noticed that I need to remove some things from my schedule. There's there's just too many commitments in the future So started moving some things around and some things that I previously. |
23:05.65 | Dr_ Placebo | O. |
23:19.62 | mikebledsoe | Couldn't didn't even consider could be removed or moved and I was able to do that. Um, yeah, actually my summit um I'm gonna move the dates of the summit supposed to happen. |
23:24.57 | Dr_ Placebo | Really anything. You'd like to share that's pretty cool. |
23:36.68 | mikebledsoe | Was supposed to happen next month. But I'm gonna move it to November and you know that's a lot. You know there's people who are looking forward to those specific dates. But I I feel as though it's it's if I wait any longer to make the the announcement but you know it would be a little. Too late for a lot of people. But I think we can do it a month out and be okay. Ah really really got to reflect on how I'm the ah I am the ah result of my ancestors choices. You know whether. |
23:58.74 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
24:14.87 | mikebledsoe | They be wise choices or or foolish choices every single choice since the beginning of of my lineage has really created this result that I'm right now and I'm I'm the 1 choosing moving forward, but really, um. |
24:17.14 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh. |
24:33.16 | mikebledsoe | Recognizing that a lot of things that got me to where I am was actually foolish choices I think a lot of times people think about their ancestry. You're like oh there's so much wisdom there I was like there's a bunch of idiots in there too and and what what? what am I What am I making sure. Ah. |
24:50.68 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, just ah, just a long line of Horny retards. Um. |
24:53.96 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, was like is like okay like I need to be intentional about what I'm carrying forward because not everything. Not everything is Good. You know and how am I am I carrying those those lessons and how do I Harvest The wisdom From. My lineage without carrying on all the the the Foolishness. Ah. |
25:20.54 | Dr_ Placebo | Man Ah, you're talking about ah many many multiple generations but even just the immediate ancestors the parents That's ah that's a really big deal is ah you know I worked with so many people coaching wise and you know I don't want to. |
25:30.19 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
25:38.43 | Dr_ Placebo | Be, the guy who's laying everybody down on the psychiatrist couch right? but the reality the reality is that a lot of people are working through some sort of ah resentment or ah. Kind of the opposite like a personal resentment because you can't live up to your parents' expectations. It's like 1 or the other right either resent your parents for doing a bad job or you feel bad about yourself for not doing a good enough job. Ah, a lot of the time and. |
25:58.19 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, so. |
26:05.41 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, yeah. |
26:10.77 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, working through those things but not ah, not judging because whether it's yourself or your ancestors whatever which you can think of them all as the same thing in a certain sense. Um, you know everybody's doing whatever they think is going to get them what they want. Based on how they think and feel all the time like everybody's always doing their best and I remember the first time someone told me that I was dating this lady who is ah pretty significantly older than me and she said everyone's doing their best and I said no, they're not I was like 20 years old |
26:48.11 | mikebledsoe | Ah, well here's the thing is like I think I think where it gets I think where people get confused about that is like ah everyone is doing their best. But I think there a lot of times people who say that assume that we're all going the same direction is like. |
27:05.19 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, it's based on how you think and feel at the time is my little caveat based on how you think and feel at the time. Everybody's always doing their best and you know I've talked about it So many times if you're um, getting what they want either love power or attention love power or attention. |
27:05.45 | mikebledsoe | Like yeah. |
27:13.50 | mikebledsoe | But they're best at what getting what they want? Yeah so not not not for the greater. They're not doing the best they can do for the great Great greater humanity. |
27:22.42 | Dr_ Placebo | And if you can't get 1 you'll move on to the next one no no and and actually no one is the only reason people do that is because it feels good to them right? The same reason that a guy sacrifices all his worldly possessions to join a monastery is because he thinks that's a good deal. It's not because he's like a. |
27:34.30 | mikebledsoe | Right. |
27:42.70 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
27:45.45 | Dr_ Placebo | Like a noble person. He just thinks that'll get him a better result. |
27:50.80 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, ah all right? So so another another phase of the hunt. We actually had a ah guide take us to some old ruins that were incredibly old I have no idea I probably wasn't paying attention to that part. |
27:53.49 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, on. |
28:08.72 | mikebledsoe | Um, one of those things you're like ah we suspect this is five hundred or a thousand years old I I don't know so ah, we went to a site where it was ah there's ah, a lot of evidence and a lot of stories to support the idea that there were human sacrifices happening. At this very specific site. So ah. |
28:29.60 | Dr_ Placebo | You got my attention human sacrifice that was the topic I didn't know I wanted to talk about but now that we're here I'm so glad can we do a whole episode on human sacrifice. That's that's such an incredible idea. That's such an incredible idea. |
28:43.82 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I think we should do that next week. Yeah, next week well what's interesting is ah ah one of the things I started exploring ah while I was there after this is I've um. So I used to conflate or have the collapse distinction of service and sacrifice and I think a lot of people who come from a blue collar background do and so I've spent like 8 years you know I had that realization and started unwinding that. |
29:05.86 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh yeah. |
29:19.69 | mikebledsoe | And I spent 8 years only trying to be at service but but completely ignoring any possibilities of sacrifice and so I um, so I really did think about it really did cause me to think about sacrifice like ah the final hunt I ah hunted. Ah, multiple times while we were there and the final one was like really the intention was was around the sacrifice piece and I think it was really set up by that whole human sacrifice thing because they talked about how the the people who were being sacrificed. |
29:49.94 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh. |
29:56.70 | mikebledsoe | Actually saw as an honor to be able to to be sacrificed who knows but um, so we we? yeah I mean that. |
30:04.17 | Dr_ Placebo | Right? And and everybody everybody's convinced that it's going to be better to do this that That's the whole idea right? We were just talking about that they're doing it why because they think it'll get them a better result than not doing it. |
30:12.37 | mikebledsoe | Totally totally. |
30:21.17 | mikebledsoe | 72 version versions. Ah but the so we sat at the site and journaled about ah death. So as as we're sitting at the site of human sacrifice talk about death. Um. |
30:23.32 | Dr_ Placebo | A man. |
30:38.49 | mikebledsoe | Fast forwarding to my own death and ah where I got was you know spending some time thinking about how much you know will I resist death when it arrives at my doorstep or will I will I welcome it and I think that. |
30:56.90 | Dr_ Placebo | That's a tough one I hope I I hope I would but I'll probably be like a 80 year old guy and the angel of death will come by and I'll be like oh please no take my grandson instead. |
30:58.00 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
31:11.94 | Dr_ Placebo | I'll just be really cowardly at the end of it all have this like super wise life and then finally face it like anyone but me. |
31:12.63 | mikebledsoe | A. |
31:19.97 | mikebledsoe | Ah, well like an asshole. Ah yeah I think there's an opportunity now I think I I know there's an opportunity to practice dying and practicing death and I think that's something that. I have experienced through through the use of psychedelics. Ah you know you take a big. |
31:37.19 | Dr_ Placebo | I Got a lot out of the digital death that I did that was really interesting. Yeah I I just evaporated one day like my friends were all getting messages from people like where's max is he's dead is he okay and it it was It was cool. |
31:44.20 | mikebledsoe | Digital oh that not going on Instagram. |
31:57.17 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, because I was like really attached to um that feedback you know the the audience is like hey we we love you when you do that stuff and so in order to let go of that it it is like a little a little death. |
32:06.68 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
32:15.27 | Dr_ Placebo | Basically who yeah, that's it. That's you dude that was you. |
32:15.95 | mikebledsoe | Oh yeah, I mean that happened when I left shrug. You know people people were like you know? Yeah I was like they were um yeah they I did not meet their expectations. Created all these expectations over years that I was going to be there every week and I was going to make them laugh and maybe they learn learn something and then I just stopped and people didn't like that. Um, yeah, so practicing death. Um. |
32:50.50 | mikebledsoe | And and then what I what I got to is like will I have regrets and what what just came to me the quote came to me in a moment. Are you put on Twitter so it's it's famous. But I said excuses are the seeds of regret and I was thinking about regret. And that's that's what may I see regret as a thing that would cause someone to resist death like oh I'm not done yet I didn't do the thing that I really wanted to do and I think that really is the difference between somebody who's eighty years old and is able to go in peace. And someone who's eighty years old and and dies with suffering and it what hit me was like anything that is an excuse that's that's what I need to be looking for you. Don't want to think am I going to regret this what you want to be thinking is. |
33:43.20 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah. |
33:48.25 | mikebledsoe | Am I making an excuse about doing this or why am I am I telling myself reasons why this won't work even though it's something I really want to do and I mean knowing the differences between any excuse and a real reason. Ah. |
33:52.11 | Dr_ Placebo | His father. |
34:06.68 | mikebledsoe | Can be challenging at times. But I think that's something that each individual gets to learn in themselves and and these two things feel different an excuse feels different than you know, using your reason to to make your moves. |
34:22.89 | Dr_ Placebo | There's ah I think the difference between excuse and reason is really hard to pinpoint. Actually I think Excuse has a bit of a negative I mean everything. |
34:30.40 | mikebledsoe | Why I tell people to be unreasonable throw throw the reasons out the window like be rational, be rational rationalable be rational, but but don't be reasonable. |
34:39.89 | Dr_ Placebo | I like it. It's able to be rationed I like rationable that could be fun rational. Ah like okay so. |
34:44.17 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, alright Hashtag rationable. It's a thing. |
34:54.15 | Dr_ Placebo | Responsibility is ability to respond. It's also a synonym for obligation right? and I think I think that's often how it's used like you list out you list out the responsibilities. Well you list out resp responses like okay, you've had people work for you right. |
34:58.36 | mikebledsoe | But I don't think I don't think it is a cinnament for that and I why think I think most people will perceive it that way. |
35:13.42 | Dr_ Placebo | And you list out what their responsibilities are like. For example, every day obligations. No okay you fucking whore Obligations accountabilities. |
35:13.61 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I call them accountabilities not responsibilities accountabilities. Ah. |
35:30.50 | mikebledsoe | Ah. |
35:31.48 | Dr_ Placebo | Whatever you want to call it. It's a thing that you got to do and basically in that situation. What happens if it doesn't get done and that's that's when ah, a reason to me is is always an excuse right? because what you're trying to do is you are trying to excuse. Use yourself from the obligation. Ah so to me, it's very different and like you know you've had a lot of people work for you and it's you can always come up with a reason for why you didn't do the thing you said you were going to do right? But it's still. |
35:54.70 | mikebledsoe | Um, ah. |
36:09.52 | Dr_ Placebo | It's just trying to excuse that accountability right. |
36:10.99 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I would say their culture that we we've cultivated with people who work for me. It's been a very like yeah I fucked up and I don't I don't get a lot of excuses from my people which is really refreshing just to. |
36:19.19 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, yeah, right? yeah. |
36:30.80 | mikebledsoe | Have people own it. Okay I think the problem with making excuses is you're doomed to repeat the you don't you don't feel the gravity. You don't feel the pain of of the impact that you made by by screwing up. |
36:47.35 | Dr_ Placebo | Totally the error. |
36:49.43 | mikebledsoe | Like the if you make an excuse for your yeah if you make an excuse for your error. You're sidestepping a lesson. But if you say look I simply screwed up I dropped the ball I'm now making a commitment to ah you know. I'm I'm making these specific changes in order to ah do it differently moving forward. Awesome! That's what I want to hear. That's why I want to hear from others. That's what I want to hear from myself. That's that's an attitude of of learning that's humility. |
37:17.41 | Dr_ Placebo | Totally no, It's curiosity too right? It's like what can be done differently and it frames it in a in a positive sense so you know right. |
37:24.30 | mikebledsoe | And. |
37:29.39 | mikebledsoe | We're moving forward instead of dwelling on the past we like we acknowledge that this happened but now let's move forward. |
37:35.40 | Dr_ Placebo | Well and that's kind of like the it goes back to the sacrifice or the martyr thing right? you you almost feel like you need to punish yourself a little bit and say how bad you were but it doesn't really do anybody and especially if you're like managing people you you kind of just want to be like man that's like wholly irrelevant. Really doesn't Matter. It's really just about what you can do moving forward differently that will make it so this does not happen in the future right. |
37:56.50 | mikebledsoe | I Think ah. |
38:01.89 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I think I think the pain that we inflict on ourselves through the guilt can can help make the lesson stick like oh I don't want to feel like that again. So. |
38:13.70 | Dr_ Placebo | Well, totally man, you know shame can drive a culture in a big way. Um, and I know I've said it on the podcast before but 1 of the cultures that I find really interesting and awesome in a lot of ways is Japan where there's a really strong culture. Of honoring tradition and shame. Also, you know there's a lot less homeless people there because it's kind of a shameful thing and there's also a lot less ah broad creativity of brand new stuff. But ah surplus. Of refining old stuff. You know so they might not invent a rocket ship but when someone else does they'll make that rocket ship better than anything else because they'll have you know 10 generations of rocket scientists running the family business and trying to just. Make those marginal improvements. So I think you know shame can be a great motivator ah certainly I gravitate toward love being a motivator right so joyful expression of this ah weird. Black box algorithm that I am you know take what I got and and let it out there like you know, let it go basically um, kind of like we were talking about um service minus attachment. Basically so you do your thing but you're not. |
39:42.47 | mikebledsoe | I. |
39:46.70 | Dr_ Placebo | Super attached to the result or or yourself as the procurer of that service. |
39:53.71 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, all right moving on moving on in this journal see so I was asked for. We went on a a silent hike for a couple hours and ah. |
39:57.90 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah. |
40:11.68 | mikebledsoe | We're We're asked the question, the prompt to consider while we walk and then you know Journal when we get back and before we get out the door I started making a list of ways in which I don't show up as my highest self um or you just sit look as how do you show up in a. |
40:25.60 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh. |
40:31.21 | mikebledsoe | And the ways that you don't prefer or you you end up regretting I guess so these are these are the ways in which I am not showing up as my highest self when I am looking for acceptance by others when I seek stimulation over solitude. That's where I got that. |
40:47.62 | Dr_ Placebo | Another more. |
40:48.29 | mikebledsoe | Ah, when I fail to communicate my boundaries Well when I lack a hierarchy of values. Ah, and when I'm concerned with not looking bad. |
41:01.96 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, those are good. Um, what was the prompt again. It was just go on this quiet hike and then Journal at the end. |
41:08.92 | mikebledsoe | Not yeah that well we were to consider this question in which way am I not showing up as my highest self and then 2 hour yeah Yeah |
41:18.94 | Dr_ Placebo | Okay, so now they provided that yeah that was actually the the thing I thought ah before when you're talking about what decisions will I regret. That's like the same. That's the positive way to say that. What? what would your highest self do here like and how how big a gap is there. Can you repeat that question one more time I'm going to write it I'm going to have ah my friends around here do that with me sometime same seems like a cool idea. |
41:36.30 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, yeah. |
41:47.73 | mikebledsoe | Cool, um in which way am I not showing up as my highest self. |
41:51.94 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
41:56.20 | mikebledsoe | Everyone out everyone at home gets to and get a couple chances write it down themselves all right? Everyone you got a homework expect you to fill this out I mean 2 3 hours I like that. |
42:05.74 | Dr_ Placebo | How how long was the silent hike. That's pretty nice. |
42:15.90 | mikebledsoe | You know what I found when I first got out there is like um actually felt overstimated coming in. Ah and I met several of the guys for the first time and everybody was wanting to talk and I was There was a part of me that was going man I really just wish this was a silent retreat I would like. |
42:42.23 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, oh man, that's so funny to hear from you did. |
42:47.20 | mikebledsoe | Ah, yeah, yeah, so I'm I'm actually going to suggest a monzol about ah putting together. A I would love to do like a group hunting trip where the first 2 of three days is in complete silence. Only. Like a noble silence. You know I could ask you to like help me with something or or could you get the fuck out of the way or whatever it is or you know you you can you can state what you need in the moment but I don't yeah yeah. |
43:10.25 | Dr_ Placebo | But right. |
43:15.72 | Dr_ Placebo | Could wear a little wear a little chalkboards. |
43:23.90 | mikebledsoe | But ah, yeah, minimize the just the bullshitting interactions and yeah I would love to do like a two day and I would love to do as strangers I would love to go hunting with people I've never met before spend the first two days silent and then the third day because then I I think it would be really fun to. Because what your mind's gonna do is create all these stories about who this person is you know why? they do the thing they do, you're gonna create all of it and then you're gonna talk to them on a third day and they're gonna break all of it and you're gonna go oh my imagination is nuts. |
43:46.16 | Dr_ Placebo | Right? one? ah. |
43:58.76 | Dr_ Placebo | Totally well and as it relates to the dog thing. You know they don't speak English Um, they they pick up on your emotions and your postures and I know I've said it before even on the show but I remember you. |
44:06.20 | mikebledsoe | You don't say. |
44:15.95 | Dr_ Placebo | Said to me like dude maybe ten years ago or something like don't don't listen to the words people are saying just watch how they're being and so I started doing this thing where I mean I was tuning out like I wasn't listening to the words I was a really bad listener but I was just watching people's postures their hand movements. |
44:21.48 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah. |
44:35.80 | Dr_ Placebo | And it it was like the it was like the teacher and Charlie Brown it was like wah walk walk walk walk walk walk walk and I was just listening to the musicality of the voice and all these different things and I would imagine if you are meeting people for the first time and you can't. Introduce yourself like that is such a trip because now you're going to be reverting to these primal instincts of like sizing people up, you're going to pay really close attention to people's eyes and I bet most people have never even ah. Come close to a situation like that I don't think I've ever been part of a group where we didn't introduce ourselves for two days like that's almost psychotic actually when you think about it. Everybody's got like guns and no one saying anything and they've never met before. I mean I don't want you to like give up on this dream but it is a sweet recipe for fucking disaster. |
45:35.28 | mikebledsoe | You know I'll try it out with guys I know first? Well we'll baby step our way into this find a few guys that are willing to do a silent hunting retreat and we'll go from there all like let's dig in this puppy journal. |
45:49.53 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, awesome dude I like the silent hike I like the silent hike thing. That's a cool idea. Well. |
45:57.89 | mikebledsoe | I did a whole day I took 2 guys up to I was up in Idaho and was in the sawtooth mountains and we did like ah man it was like a 12 hour maybe maybe thirteen fourteen hours |
46:12.50 | Dr_ Placebo | Was that a cattle drive or something. Wow. |
46:13.86 | mikebledsoe | Ah, not not just hiking up. The mountain started started at the bottom wearing shorts and it was hot and got up to the snow and basically just popped a little microdose and went fasted So all I brought was water. |
46:24.60 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, how cool. |
46:30.75 | Dr_ Placebo | Sweet. |
46:33.13 | mikebledsoe | And and we did a silent up and I and I ah I was in charge of the hike there was 3 of us I was like we can talk on the way down and and I I started hoofing. Yeah and we started hoofing it down and these guys were just hilarious. |
46:44.45 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah I like I like that a lot too that. |
46:52.13 | mikebledsoe | Just talking about candy bars like because we were fasted. They weren't used to any of this stuff. So the idea of like hiking silent fast. It was incredibly novel to them. So yeah. |
47:05.80 | Dr_ Placebo | It's crazy how much extra calories you're packing on you Even if you're a lean person check out, check out the math sometime like for those who are every you got to fast, you got to try it Out. It's so it's Stupid. You just you just shut up. And you don't eat for a while and it will heal you more than like 99% of the bullshit out there. But. |
47:25.66 | mikebledsoe | It is. It is the dude you just give your system a break. All you got to do is give your system a break and it'll fix itself for for most things. |
47:37.20 | Dr_ Placebo | Matt Imagine if you just ah had headphones playing music all the time. That's like the equivalent of digesting food all the time and it's it's just a different sense right. |
47:53.18 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, 4 |
47:54.61 | Dr_ Placebo | You don't give yourself a chance. Um, but some people are afraid they're like oh what'll happen am I going to like break down too much muscle or something like that like that like it'll happen in a fucking week I mean some some sure whatever but like a lean person has like one hundred thousand calories |
48:05.22 | mikebledsoe | It's all guy. Yeah dudes are well, there's um, sal. |
48:14.41 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
48:14.74 | Dr_ Placebo | Storage on them like ah, a lean, a lean man of average size has like a hundred thousand extra calories conveniently distributed mostly in the center mass of their body. It's it's really good design like we would all be dead if it didn't work this way. |
48:33.34 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, it's there for sure. There sal sell from over at mine pump. Um, if you're familiar with the mine pump guys but they do like um, kind of like. |
48:36.24 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah. |
48:44.74 | Dr_ Placebo | Do they like take ah do they like take pre-workouts and play chess or something. |
48:49.55 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, well, they're like ah I would I would they're the closest thing the barbell shrugged but more for like the the aesthetic world whereas we were more in like the performance and they're They're really great guys I've been on their show a couple times they've been on mine. They're fun. |
48:56.33 | Dr_ Placebo | All. |
49:05.75 | mikebledsoe | And 1 of the guys on there I know for a period of time was doing a 72 hour fast once a month for the purpose of building more muscle so there's just like you want to train really hard if you want to grow muscle if you actually starve yourself a protein. There's a super compensation that occurs. So. |
49:09.84 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh. |
49:24.78 | Dr_ Placebo | It's like occlusion training you cut off the flow and then you release it and the floodgates open same deal. |
49:25.55 | mikebledsoe | It's yeah. Yeah, so I I think that for anyone who is concerned about that because I was actually you know for a lot of the hunts that I do we we fast coming in and one of my friends young younger guy. He was like yeah but you know I was just like worry about losing muscle I'm like you know. Ah, 72 hour fast done right? and when you reintroduce food you could actually put more muscle on because of that just watched all the all the gears in his head had to change direction and and ah yeah, but it's true. |
50:02.81 | Dr_ Placebo | Plus like what if you did lose a little bit of muscle. You think no one's going to love you after that Jesus Fucking Christ like. |
50:13.29 | mikebledsoe | Oh obviously? yeah, well its problem is like I mean you've experienced this is you get praise. It's like oh man, you got a 6 pack. Oh man like get all this praise like well that's must be why people like me. |
50:14.84 | Dr_ Placebo | I Mean they won't love you as much. Obviously now you're fucking Scrawny bitch who's going to love you now. |
50:27.16 | Dr_ Placebo | I. Totally totally I mean I feel like I've said this so many times but I would lift a really big weight over my head. Let's say and people would be like hey Wow Max We Really like that. |
50:33.21 | mikebledsoe | And then you take that away like oh no, one's gonna love me now. |
50:47.85 | Dr_ Placebo | Can you lift a bigger one be like fuck. Yeah, are you going to love me more if I do and they're like yeah I'm like great I'll do that. |
50:53.75 | mikebledsoe | I mean it's super simple if I put that I think about a year ago I put ah ah a Instagram throwback video of me squatting like I don't know what it was like four 25 for reps or something like that the bars bouncing and shit. |
51:04.75 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, yeah. |
51:10.32 | mikebledsoe | And I got like almost a record breaking amount of likes on that you know and I basically like I basically said in the the what's it called the caption I said in the caption of like yeah this was like peak me hating myself. Ah and like. |
51:12.43 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh yeah. |
51:25.57 | Dr_ Placebo | Totally. |
51:29.21 | mikebledsoe | This is all the things I've done a change and all that you know what ended up in some of the comments people actually read the caption but a lot of comments are like yeah man that's big weight I'm like you like let the fuck is going on. Love me. Um. |
51:38.64 | Dr_ Placebo | Good job and you're like they love me. They really love Me. You know it reminds me of why Envy is such a bummer ah number one. It's the only of the deadly Sins. You can't have any fun at ah which I've always thought was really cool and the no no lust is great. Gluttony. |
51:58.61 | mikebledsoe | Ah, interesting. Yeah, there's not really a payoff for it right? like people use it people use it for motivation. Yeah. |
52:08.13 | Dr_ Placebo | Lust gluttony sloth I mean that's that's like a great day as far as what I'm concerned but but like ah yeah, ah today is gluttony day. Ah but like envy day is is the worst and here's why it's extra bad though. |
52:13.20 | mikebledsoe | I Set aside days for that. Yeah yeah. |
52:26.60 | Dr_ Placebo | So it's funny because it's not that fun but also with envy we're only envying like 1 little bit a fraction of someone's life where we're not envious of the whole thing. Because if we were we would do that same shit ourselves like nobody can see in that video all of the sacrifices you were making and even at the time. Ah maybe you were self-aware enough to be like hey you know I I did this. |
52:47.35 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
53:03.40 | Dr_ Placebo | But you you guys probably don't want this in fact, ah you know like my I don't know if this is true. But for me it It was a lot of the time like my body hurts a lot. Um dude like that's probably the. |
53:12.00 | mikebledsoe | I was in so much pain. So I had to smoke during that period of time I was smoking weed every night to fall asleep I remember getting in bed and just like my body was hot. My my shoulders were throbbing like like things were throbbing. |
53:20.27 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
53:26.58 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
53:30.88 | mikebledsoe | And I'd be lay in bed and then my my ex wifefe would be next to me and she could just feel me she' like babe go smoke some weed you need to go to sleep so just turn into a nightly I smoked weed every night for for years. |
53:35.21 | Dr_ Placebo | E. |
53:46.13 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, totally I mean that's a good option as far as options go but that's what I mean about the the cherry pick Envy is like we're we're envious cherry pickers. We're like oh man look at that guy's house I'm like yeah that guy. |
53:47.91 | mikebledsoe | Just for pain relief. |
53:56.49 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
54:04.81 | Dr_ Placebo | Went to medical school. He worked 60 hour weeks and then he worked 80 hour weeks and now he finally has this big house and and and you're only going to be envy it like it's it's insane right? It's the same thing with us lifting these heavy weights we're like wow I wish I could do that I'm like no, you don't. |
54:15.22 | mikebledsoe | Right. |
54:21.36 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
54:24.21 | Dr_ Placebo | A no, you don't because otherwise you'd be doing it and B you don't understand the sacrifices that are being made here. You know it's ah it's hardly fair. But what's funny about that too is ah that's also what inflames people's desires the most like. |
54:30.27 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
54:43.12 | Dr_ Placebo | I I was honest, um, like I I was saying like hey man I I train a lot I do ah olympic weightlifting then I do gymnastics then I do a crossfit workout at the end then I go to Jujitsu and then in the evenings I do moyai for 2 hours training six days a week I'm running a business I'm a 23 year old absolute maniac investing all of my time into it and I'm like here's this workout and people are like yeah I want that too but they don't really is my point they just want like. |
55:16.38 | mikebledsoe | Now. |
55:20.43 | Dr_ Placebo | Like that Mark Twain quote a classic is something that everybody wants to have read but nobody wants to read. He's got some good ones? Yeah, all right. |
55:31.21 | mikebledsoe | Accurate. Ah I think he was ah somebody somebody called him the cause I was describing Mark Twain as someone who had never really knew much about him or read about him and and as I as I was describing. |
55:39.76 | Dr_ Placebo | And pretty sardonic guy. |
55:47.70 | mikebledsoe | They go. Oh he's probably the Joe Rogan of of that time I go you know what? I think you're probably right like that because he was he was funny. He he was he was doing a lot of writing and I yeah was kind of like comedy of that of that era I mean and and. |
55:56.21 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
56:01.53 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, he was a humorist that's actually the biggest humor award. We have is the Mark Twain ah prize right? There are some good ah acceptance. There are some good acceptance speeches. |
56:07.53 | mikebledsoe | Oh I didn't even know that I learned something new about Mark Twain today the more I learned about that guy the more of a fan I become just wild. |
56:20.39 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, because it's it's you know some people who are just absolute um juggernauts comedy-wise but the Mark Twain prize is like a lifetime achievement award for comedy. So you know chappee has 1 Eddie Murphy David Letterman these guys like. |
56:30.67 | mikebledsoe | Now. |
56:38.20 | Dr_ Placebo | Really? ah, really skilled at the craft of humor and what I say is humor drops the guard like Lindsay has noticed that there's basically no conversation I have with someone where I don't a try really hard to make them laugh and b. Actually make them laugh because I don't I don't want things to be serious like that's the last type of situation I want I want to have things be be lighthearted and and humor is a good way to do that. |
57:07.74 | mikebledsoe | We go it. Loosens people up, you have you use humor it loosens up the mind people get up catch people off guard willing to entertain new ideas and this is why comedy is such an important thing in society and before you we had the modern comedians you have. |
57:17.42 | Dr_ Placebo | Right. |
57:27.46 | mikebledsoe | Want to go back far enough. You got the court Jester and I think a lot of times people think about the court jester as just some fool who knows some you know can juggle and shit. But in ah some traditions you know it's told that. The jester was there to keep the king in check the gesture was the only one that could make fun of the king right? and so it was like yeah and. |
57:47.30 | Dr_ Placebo | Right? Compartmentalized you can make fun of me and you're going to do it in a way that I feel okay about it. But but when you're when you're Queen or something is like you you drink too much. |
57:56.63 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
58:03.62 | Dr_ Placebo | Or whatever he's like fuck you queen I'm the king god damn it. But when the jester is like hey Mr. King guy can I fill up your wine flask again. Oh it's already empty. What does a pre you know Dadada whatever. |
58:17.26 | mikebledsoe | Ah, yeah, yeah, you want to break out the puppy journal. |
58:22.30 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh yeah, um I think the the main thing is ah compartmentalizing on on every level like literally you put them into a compartment you have nap time. Compartmentalized you have playtime compartmentalized. You have mealtime compartmentalized like the more you compartmentalize the lives of those puppies the easier it is like they know when we're outside. It's outside time like we've had them two weeks now and we're batting like I would say 98% ah of potties outside in the same place and I feel like that's really good. We've had almost no issues. No accidents inside the house which I'm real pleased about and when it's nap time. They go into the pen and when it's food time they come out and they get their food and then we pick the stuff up and wash it out because otherwise it's going to be crawling with ants. So everything gets compartmentalized. Um shoes can't live on the floor anymore. So that has to be in a compartment has to be out of reach so it's it's forcing me to get way tighter with my organization. So I think that's a positive I mean look once again like you could look at my story from the outside in and think. |
59:57.91 | Dr_ Placebo | I'm a certain way but it's just been like a disorganized mess of an insane guy who just happened to be very ambitious and motivated right? So it doesn't just because it like worked doesn't mean I did it well like I didn't you know what? I mean. |
01:00:16.59 | mikebledsoe | Ah, that that resonates like so so like how did you do it I'm like don't do it the way I did it. |
01:00:16.88 | Dr_ Placebo | It's ah yeah, totally men. Yeah, right? But what's funny is ah like instinctually they they want to do it that way because it's a proven model and you're like no dude do do anything but the way that I did it. |
01:00:30.17 | mikebledsoe | Right. |
01:00:35.71 | Dr_ Placebo | Do absolutely anything but that but anyway ah compartmentalizing is huge I already mentioned ah demonstration is greater than explanation I think that equation pretty much rings true for just about everything. |
01:00:55.28 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, it really reminds you? What's important like the live like we had to take the puppies. Ah 1 of them into the vet once already to the emergency room and and it's a very binary type of thing. Yeah puppy was really. Lethargic ah pissed herself is very scary I was surprised how much I loved these little fuckers already. Ah and it was like Okay, we either relax, chill out and ah, don't worry about it or we take her to the emergency room right now. Because living in limbo of like ooh. It's kind of scary. It's kind of bad is it's almost like ah an almost emergency is the worst fucking thing ever. It's like buying fire insurance. But then worrying every day that your house will burn down and I feel like that's how a lot of people. |
01:01:47.69 | mikebledsoe | Um, yeah. |
01:01:52.71 | Dr_ Placebo | Live their lives. Um, you know insurance is another thing we could talk about another time but that's not really related to. We did get puppy insurance which is a fucking scam and a half. Ah oh yeah I mean you know it's. |
01:02:07.88 | mikebledsoe | I've never heard of that before. |
01:02:11.48 | Dr_ Placebo | Just like anything else. It's ah basically a probability and a fee schedule. Whatever and so if you're going to buy puppy Insurance. You probably would also be well- served to buy some extra puppy food so you have like insurance against like a shortage in puppy food supply Anyway, whatever. Not not more insurance. Ah yeah, yeah, that's actually what it is. Yeah, Ah, it's well because I looked at the fee schedule basically and I looked at like what the payment is versus what they will pay. |
01:02:31.27 | mikebledsoe | Is like Health insurance for puppies her Why you say it's a you say it's a scam. |
01:02:48.97 | mikebledsoe | Right? And like dental insurance. |
01:02:50.53 | Dr_ Placebo | For each ailment. It doesn't seem like a very good deal basically to me. Ah, you know they have these maximums for certain things and I didn't think those maximums were very high like I I like to have insurance. |
01:03:04.70 | mikebledsoe | Why did you get it. |
01:03:09.10 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, because it is pretty inexpensive and I have had a lot of people tell me who have had dogs that it was worth it and um, so like basically it's a gamble essentially like ah having health insurance or not um. |
01:03:16.74 | mikebledsoe | E. |
01:03:27.38 | Dr_ Placebo | You know I I prefer to bet on myself. Basically so um, you know if there's a catastrophe great but everything else just out of pocket. Ah puppy lessons. Ah first one is what you pet you get. |
01:03:37.12 | mikebledsoe | Um, yeah. |
01:03:45.37 | Dr_ Placebo | Which is ah kind of like a derivative of what is rewarded is repeated So that's a big thing. |
01:03:49.95 | mikebledsoe | I was I my mind jumped to Monkey pox. |
01:03:53.92 | Dr_ Placebo | What you pet you get? Wow I Don't think they can get Monkey pox. |
01:04:03.55 | mikebledsoe | A greyhound got monkey pox in France recently from a couple of men who have sex with men. Um, but ah god it's a real story. Yep yep, well well you know that. |
01:04:07.99 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah. |
01:04:11.85 | Dr_ Placebo | Is that a real story that you're telling me how do you know this? Wow wild. |
01:04:21.70 | mikebledsoe | Monkey pox narrative right now is it's it's mainly just men who have sex with men. They're not saying gay men on on the news anymore. Ah, and then and then they report oh there's there's ah 13 cases of children getting it. |
01:04:28.55 | Dr_ Placebo | E. |
01:04:40.31 | mikebledsoe | Oh it must not be sexually transmitted. Ah and then and then there's ah, there's a dog in France who's owned by a couple of gay guys and the dog gets it and they say it's concentrated around its mouth and belly. |
01:04:41.84 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh boy Well boy. |
01:04:59.39 | mikebledsoe | So it must be from ah you know, just close contact skin to skin contact. It's not ah well we didn't ask the gender that the reporter didn't ask the gender of the dog they screwed up. |
01:05:04.29 | Dr_ Placebo | Maybe the dog is a homosexual I don't know it's a gay dog I don't know oh God Yeah, you should definitely not fuck your dog. |
01:05:20.92 | mikebledsoe | Ah. |
01:05:22.41 | Dr_ Placebo | I didn't even need to own dogs before I knew that. |
01:05:29.95 | mikebledsoe | All right? all right? all right? Ah what you pat you get not Monkey box. Ok the pumpy principles. |
01:05:33.58 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah, so I have I have the puppy principles right? which is ah patience positivity and playfulness and I think patience is really important. It's ah it's a little creature that doesn't know english. It doesn't know the difference between what you wanted to do what you don't want it to do and you you cannot get impatient with a dog or another person you can only get impatient with yourself right? You can get frustrated with yourself that things aren't already a certain way for you. It's like ah. I say there ain't no use wishing words you know oh I wish it were like this well wish in 1 hand pissing the other and see which fills up first. Yeah yeah, so. |
01:06:20.50 | mikebledsoe | Ah, another way of looking at it. Well Okay, yeah I like that's that's totally different than what I was thinking. But yeah I love wishing worse there. There's like little rules like that that are really useful like if you wish it were certain way that that's leading to suffering. |
01:06:28.14 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
01:06:34.92 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
01:06:37.82 | mikebledsoe | Another something that's similar to that is people who dwell on unanswerable questions like oh why did he kill himself. Well, you're never going to be able to ask him so like that that yeah yeah, maybe. |
01:06:42.60 | Dr_ Placebo | Right? Oh yeah, yeah, maybe after you die I don't know. |
01:06:57.40 | mikebledsoe | But but the the dwelling on that question doesn't serve you at all it only causes suffering I say that because that that happened to me but like you know and so it's it's ah the but I started noticing that people that. |
01:06:58.96 | Dr_ Placebo | No well man like. |
01:07:15.77 | mikebledsoe | I would be coaching someone and they'd get. They'd be getting tripped up on an unanswerable question I go Well you know what? Why did you? You know why did I get fired. They wouldn't tell me that I'm like all right? Well why is it matter you know. If they're not telling you did I Answerable question. |
01:07:35.99 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, it's like why do you want to invest so much of your attention into something that you can't um, change with your actions so you have your locus of control which is monumentally small Despite. Ah, what the conventional wisdom may be like you have so little control. Ah, you don't even have control of your entire body like a lot of that shit is happening automatically so you have a super limited locus of control and yet I don't know some people. |
01:07:58.37 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
01:08:12.58 | Dr_ Placebo | Are like concerned about whether a gay dog in France has monkey pox. For example I mean that's really far outside their ability to control what's going on. So it's funny because like you're sacrificing. Yeah well, you're sacrificing your life for that and if you're doing it for. |
01:08:21.50 | mikebledsoe | Ah I watch I watched the news for comedy. |
01:08:31.17 | Dr_ Placebo | Entertainment or just idle curiosity like I Love ah listening to learning reading um shit that will maybe never benefit me in any kind of professional way likely something I can't influence but I. Go into it accepting that reality. You know what? I mean that's why I say I'm not into kink shaming like you do whatever you want if you want to hook up your nipples to a car battery. Ah you know, go with God Frankly, but don't expect that that's going to you know, improve your coaching business. Let's say you know. |
01:08:51.48 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, absolutely. |
01:09:08.10 | mikebledsoe | I I. |
01:09:10.40 | Dr_ Placebo | It might it might ah so we have patience number one just like ah I'm being very patient with the erratic flow of our conversation right now then we have positivity because dogs hardly understand not.. It's very related to like what you pet you get, but you can't um so for Positivity ah reinforcement is greater than enforcement and in fact, you can't actually teach a dog anything. You can only reward something they're already doing and positively reinforce that ah like you you can't teach a dog to like like you can demonstrate how to lay down but really all you can do is positively reward the stuff you want. So. Patience Positivity and then Playfulness is ah maybe more of ah a lesson for people than anything else, but dogs are so good at playing. But if they don't play enough if they don't get their energy out if they don't have that outlet. They're going to be a nightmare. Just like a person people are fucking assholes if they don't play and get some physical activity and how could you blame them right? Yeah, you have this creature who arguably has a lot more um needs sociologically than a dog. |
01:10:41.26 | Dr_ Placebo | And if they're not getting them. Of course they're not going to act right? They're going to act a fool so you got to? Ah I think it's good to apply these same principles to yourself because people are like puppies. You know, arguably a little more complicated but. Being patient with yourself and others remember you can't be patient with others. It's just patience within your own self right? You draw your boundary or you don't ah positivity so you don't like force yourself but you reinforce the things that you do that work out well and then that playfulness is ah. Really important for connecting with other people connecting with yourself connecting with your body you mentioned before being stuck in your head. Um, play is a really good way to do that gets people out of the ego gets people out of their head and into their body and that's. Super good medicine for the culture we live in so those are the top 3 puppy principles I have um and then I have like the the tools of the trade. Basically so the carrot and the stick in my case are ah and what's funny is. Everybody's got an idea of how you should train dogs Some some people are like you should never say no to a dog you got to feed them a vegan diet. Let them sleep in your bed. Ah and other ones are like you know these prong Callers. You can actually put a shot collar on top of that and then when you dominate them every morning. |
01:12:17.70 | Dr_ Placebo | They'll really listen to you and I'm like okay Jesus Christ that seems like pretty extreme on both ends but everybody has an idea of how you should train dogs just the way everybody has an idea about how exercise should work. It's quite hilarious, but I have a spray bottle of water. And then I have a bag of treats. those are the those are the core tools I have I say treats are cheats basically and because it's not ah like you don't want them to to do things just for treats. You know what? I mean you need something to positively reinforce them. But ultimately I want these dogs to be ah individual certainly but an extension of myself so I can take them off leash. They'll listen to what I say they won't run into the street that kind of shit. Um, but treats. Ah, treats in a spray bottle like the carrot and the stick it's like god Giveth in 1 hand and taketh in the other. It's quite hilarious how well it works so the spray bottle is associated with no, they don't like it and it it does get them to stop the behavior which is good and then the other thing. |
01:13:16.64 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
01:13:28.57 | Dr_ Placebo | That is ah related to something you and I talk about a lot is the semantic precision and I know that most people will make this mistake ah with dogs because they make it with themselves is they have far too extensive. |
01:13:47.38 | Dr_ Placebo | A vocabulary that they use with people with themselves and certainly with dogs too was just talking to a dog trainer on the phone today and I have ah I have a little command list that I wrote down in order of like the the main ones that I wanted to use. And I was thinking gosh you know if I can get them to to come and sit within like the first week I'll be rock solid and within the first week I could get them to do that and I was thinking man this is um, this is amazing I don't. I don't confuse them with too many different um bits of vocabulary has to be as clear as possible. It's just like computer programming. Basically you know you can say ah like when you reinforce something. Man. It's so funny I'm I'm talking to my brother on the phone last week and we're talking a little while and then just during the conversation I'm like good potty milo good potty and my brother just starts laughing at me. He's like you are so well lame because. |
01:14:56.99 | mikebledsoe | Ah, well totally. Oh yeah, you have to. |
01:14:58.00 | Dr_ Placebo | I Don't want to miss the opportunity to positively reinforce that Behavior. So Basically anytime they do something you like good blank. Whatever that thing is good. Come good, sit good potty, whatever and by doing that. There's no confusion. Because I know they don't know words but as long as the sound is the same. Ah, That's really, that's really the key. |
01:15:22.41 | mikebledsoe | Yeah I think is why some people train their dogs in another language say German is that the only time that dog's gonna hear that word is when they're being spoken to So I. |
01:15:31.00 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah. |
01:15:39.29 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, yeah. |
01:15:40.39 | mikebledsoe | I've heard of people doing that and that that would I think that would make the semantic precision even easier. Ah so. |
01:15:50.20 | Dr_ Placebo | It's a it's a greater distinction. Probably yeah. |
01:15:52.50 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, yeah, because they're not gonna be hearing you say it outside of when you're talking to them. Well cool art. |
01:16:02.22 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, it's been a really good experience. It Definitely ah rocked my world I don't have the same life Anymore. It's really super. Ah, super different I Love it. I Love Them. It's a fun time.. It's a nice. Ah. An aspect of myself I never thought I would entertain actually so it's ah the the newness is really fun. Yeah,, that's awesome. |
01:16:28.26 | mikebledsoe | Beautiful. |
01:16:36.86 | mikebledsoe | Think it's time to wrap this bad boy up we I think we packed it with a bunch of small lessons I was thinking about our writer putting this together and should be interesting. Ah. |
01:16:42.76 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, well yeah, right? Um, well, you're probably the same way like ah. |
01:16:54.98 | Dr_ Placebo | There's that Mitch Hedberg joke where he goes I'm a comedian. So what I do is I sit in a hotel room and if I think of something funny and then I write it down or if the pen is too far away I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny. So it's like. |
01:17:07.66 | mikebledsoe | I. |
01:17:11.78 | Dr_ Placebo | If you're listening to stuff like this just keep something close by where you can jot down a note because frankly, um if you if you pick up on a little thing like I wrote some stuff down that that you mentioned because I just happen to have a pen handy. |
01:17:30.21 | Dr_ Placebo | It can be like 1 line from something you said might be infinitely more valuable than the entire rest of the conversation for a particular individual. So. It's really not about like the amount that you take in It's about the amount. It's about the things that like take you almost like it takes by surprise and it creates this catalyst where you're like whoa I never thought of it that way. That's really, that's really interesting like I'm going to do a silent hike I love the idea of no talking on the way up and talking on the way down. |
01:17:51.20 | mikebledsoe | Yeah. |
01:18:08.60 | Dr_ Placebo | I Think there's like a lot of good symbolism I Kind of like that better than just ah, ah like a silent hike and then come back and Journal later I like I like silence on the way up maybe Journal at the top and then ah talking on the way down like I. |
01:18:22.92 | mikebledsoe | Now meow. |
01:18:25.80 | Dr_ Placebo | That's something I want to set up That's probably the main takeaway I got from today. What about for you. |
01:18:33.45 | mikebledsoe | Um. |
01:18:33.90 | Dr_ Placebo | And Monkey Pucks in Gay French dogs. Obviously I mean. |
01:18:43.29 | mikebledsoe | Oh what do? what did I get out of today. Um I I mean I think the big thing is I just want a dog now. Yeah I have a house. Yeah, yeah, yeah. |
01:18:49.95 | Dr_ Placebo | Oh shit. Well you could have one now you have a house you got a lady you're getting married soon I think right is that right? That's pretty cool. Yeah could just go down to the courthouse one day. Also. |
01:18:59.89 | mikebledsoe | Sometime next year sometime in 2023 we're trying to make it happen. We'll see there's things happening I've mentioned that to her but we'll see how that goes I think she's a little more attached to the wedding than I am and yeah. |
01:19:09.52 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, yeah. |
01:19:15.83 | Dr_ Placebo | It's what every girl dreams of baby you and me down at the courthouse random person as our witness. |
01:19:17.84 | mikebledsoe | Yeah, and well she she will remind me she like she's like you already had 1 of these I haven't like I yeah you right? you're right? Ah I didn't like my first one anyway, that's why I was that's I tell her it's like the first wedding sucked for me too. Anyways, so. |
01:19:28.28 | Dr_ Placebo | Sorry yeah. |
01:19:35.79 | Dr_ Placebo | Um, probably feels like an obligation for most dudes. |
01:19:38.29 | mikebledsoe | Was hungover. Yeah I was also hung over so I was just I was just trying to keep my shit together I was I was a mess my my mid 20 s were a mess. |
01:19:45.77 | Dr_ Placebo | I'll do it I mean I'm sure you were just as wise I'm sure you were just as wise back then as you are today. That's why you have no regrets baby you're like I would do nothing different. I'm just as wise as I was when I was 25. |
01:20:00.20 | mikebledsoe | Ah, yeah, yeah, oh man? Well my my brain's still catching up so I'm just gonna say I the puppies. Want wanting a puppy myself is my big takeaway. But yeah, all my travel I've had a lot of brain fog. So memory memory is still ah come back online that seems the thing be the thing with my cognition that lags the most with it's like the first thing. |
01:20:21.42 | Dr_ Placebo | Ah. |
01:20:30.60 | Dr_ Placebo | With with travel with travel specifically. |
01:20:31.40 | mikebledsoe | Starts going. Not my focus. Yeah, just just in general anytime my cognition takes a hit. It's usually memory is the the first thing that starts to dwindle. So yeah. |
01:20:39.00 | Dr_ Placebo | Interesting. Well do some sudokus or something I don't know fuck. |
01:20:47.99 | mikebledsoe | That's probably a good idea. Ah yeah, so make sure go to Max Shank Dot Com if you want some some what he what he selling these days sell all of it up. |
01:20:59.95 | Dr_ Placebo | I sell it all man ah dog training dog training. Ah puppy manual on the way I don't I don't It's funny I think it is easier to train a dog than a person because a dog a dog won't come in. |
01:21:05.60 | mikebledsoe | Like Shas dogtraining school dot com for sure. |
01:21:14.85 | Dr_ Placebo | And say I haven't eaten that much food. But I keep gaining weight like this. |
01:21:16.71 | mikebledsoe | Well, you know they don't have 20 years of trauma before they walk in your door. Yeah. |
01:21:22.88 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, you know what's funny too is with that kind of thing. The solution might not be talking it out. It might just be letting it go and playing a little bit. It's very weird. Everybody's a little bit different bullshit. |
01:21:35.63 | mikebledsoe | Could be and not really big on talking things out. Ah. |
01:21:41.73 | Dr_ Placebo | Yeah, mean either as we fucking continue to talk shit for the forty third week in a row you li motherfucker I love it check out Mike Blood so Mike underscore blood cell. |
01:21:43.74 | mikebledsoe | Ah. |
01:21:48.80 | mikebledsoe | Ah, that's right, that's right, all right? all right? Ah check in with us next week on Instagram yep, hit me on the Dms. Why have a conversation. |
01:22:01.14 | Dr_ Placebo | On Instagram for all kinds of wisdom about hunting and silence and I had fun. It was. It was nice chatting with you homie. Thank you again. Love you take care guys. |
01:22:14.99 | mikebledsoe | Love to bite. |
The Bledsoe Show: Wisdom from Hunting & Puppies with Mike & Max (2025)
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Author: Duncan Muller
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Name: Duncan Muller
Birthday: 1997-01-13
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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.