VolterraTeatro 1987-2016. Storia di un festival e della sua evoluzione (2025)

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VolterraTeatro: trent’anni di un festival che attraversa il contemporaneo, Mimesis Journal, 7, 2 | 2018, 75-86

Benedetta Pratelli


In July 2016 the Tuscany festival VolterraTeatro celebrated its 30th edition, for the 16th time directed by Armando Punzo and its cultural association Carte Blanche. 16th and last: in 2017, in fact, the Director of the Compagnia della Fortezza renounced to participate to the new direction call for bids, denouncing an economic insecurity, that isn’t functional to an ongoing artistic project. The direction was commissioned to Andrea Kaemmerle and the Teatro Guascone. During thirty years Volterra Teatro was directed by four completely different personalities: Vittorio Gassman, Renato Nicolini, Roberto Bacci and Armando Punzo. Knowing a festival from its birth to its last developments it’s useful to understand not only its history but also the cultural background, the artistic trends and the politic ones as well of the historical period. In this article I’m going to give testimony of the VolterraTeatro’s evolution, following a specific thread: the local characterization of this phenomenon and its community dimension, that was, in my opinion, rather predominant.

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Duecento anni del Teatro Persio Flacco di Volterra

Simone Migliorini

La Spalletta, 2020

26 Ottobre 1816: l’antichissimo Teatro di Volterra, di proprietà dell’Accademia dei Sepolti e situato in Piazza dei Priori (fin dal XIV secolo!), venne chiuso: era costruito in gran parte di legno e diventato sostanzialmente inagibile e pericolante a distanza di 70 anni dall’ultimo restauro (1740).

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La progettazione per l’alabastro a Volterra ’73. Piccola storia quasi dimenticata

alice devecchi

Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the value of cultural heritage, 2021

Il contributo ricostruisce un episodio poco noto alla storiografia del design, sul quale un’indagine condotta tramite fonti primarie può gettare nuova luce. Se la manifestazione Volterra ’73 è nota nella storia dell’arte come uno dei tentativi più riusciti di decentramento culturale e progettazione “dal basso”, meno indagata è invece l’iniziativa parallela che coinvolgeva due gruppi di designer impegnati nella rivitalizzazione di un settore economico, quello dell’alabastro, essenziale alla cittadina toscana e al tessuto sociale ad esso connesso. Per restituire a questo episodio un posto nella storia del design sono stati consultati ed esaminati documenti originali dall’archivio di Gabriele Devecchi e di Lorenzo Forges Davanzati e raccolte testimonianze dirette dei protagonisti resisi disponibili (Davide Boriani, Carlo Bimbi e Corinna Morandi) i quali hanno riportato versioni dei fatti convergenti e contrastanti allo stesso tempo, mettendo in luce la necessità di svolgere un’interpretazione critica dei materiali succitati. The present contribution aims at reviewing a less known episode in history of design by investigating the primary sources available. The cultural initiative Volterra ’73 is acknowledged in the history of art as a one of the most succesfull attempts to the cultural decentralisation and bottom up processes. Less investigated is instead the parallel involvement of two designers’ groups challenging the rigeneration of the alabaster economic sector, essential to the tuscan town and its social fabric. In order to give back this episode to history of design we examined some original documents from the Archivio Gabriele Devecchi and the non-offical archive of Lorenzo Forges Davanzati, and collected some oral testimonies from the available protagonists (Davide Boriani, Carlo Bimbi and Corinna Morandi), who told sometimes converging and some others diverging stories. For this reason a critical interpretation of the sources above mentioned was required in order to put in order the events.

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Marmora, 2019

Decades after the excavations that brought it to light, the Roman theatre of Volterra and in especially its 'scaenae frons' continue to reveal new features of architectural, sculptural and epigraphic decoration, suggesting the possible discovery of additional aspects in the future. Based on excavated materials now stored in the «Guarnacci» Museum and the warehouses of the SAT, new fragments of knowledge are presented regarding the theatre’s scenic architecture, involving the colonnade, the decoration of the 'valva regia', and the epigraphic celebration of the monument, and those who brought about its realization. Finally, one reconstruction of the 'scaenae frons' is proposed.

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Il teatro romano di Volterra: maestranze urbane e locali


Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, 1995

Rassegna delle principali classi di materiale della decorazione architettonica e della ritrattistica dal teatro romano di Volterra (Pi), poste a confronto con produzioni sia dentro che fuori Volterra, per enucleare le matrici e le provenienze stilistiche artistiche delle maestranze al lavoro sul monumento volterrano.

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Lingue Culture Mediazioni - Languages Cultures Mediation (LCM Journal), 2018

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VolterraTeatro 1987-2016. Storia di un festival e della sua evoluzione (2025)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.